Saturday, November 23, 2013

the puzzle box

Finals are over! REJOICE. Have a 3-page comic I did for my Advanced Inking class. I haven't drawn a comic in plain black-and-white since my first year at SCAD?? I've always used halftones in my work from then on to make up for the fact that I'm awful at spotting blacks, which might be apparent in these pages l': This was definitely a challenge.

Monday, September 2, 2013

the golden fortune cookie

I've really been neglecting this blog, whoops. But I'm back with a comic! The catch is that this is actually from back in March, so it's a bit old. It was my final assignment for Visual Storytelling I, the longest comic I've drawn to date at 10 pages. I'm reluctantly posting this here 5 months later because it was drawn within a tight schedule and suffers from a lot of rushed decision-making, yikes... I hope it's still an enjoyable read! I had a ton of fun brainstorming ideas for the story with my classmates! Thanks to my pals Brian, Rachel, and Russell for scheming with me hehe

Saturday, June 1, 2013

"haha slapping ice so cool"

This was the final for my Creature Design course! I've been calling the animals on the first page beaverphants, which were made for a previous project in the class.

Thursday, April 4, 2013

dynamite gal

Artemis is my favorite Young Justice girl! Actually she might be my favorite character on the show, period.

Also, moment of silence for the cancellation of Young Justice...

Monday, April 1, 2013

crossover time

It occurred to me one day that Ema Skye from Apollo Justice would make a great Kyoko from Madoka Magica...

The top of her head is cut off because I'm stupid and ran out of room on the page.

I'm trying to figure out what Ace Attorney female assistants would match the rest of the Madoka Magica girls!

Friday, March 22, 2013

Last Pick

Here's a 3-page comic drawn by my pal Brian Prince and colored by me! I'm glad I got the chance to color these; planning colors for comics is something I'd like to get better at.

Brian is very tall and very cool if you don't know him. His comics are some of my favorites, so go check out his work! (:

Monday, February 4, 2013

hourly comics

I attempted drawing hourly comics on Saturday, but after 5PM I figured I'd be working on schoolwork into the wee hours of the night, so I just stopped there...

Sunday, February 3, 2013


I made up a story about two opposing graffiti gangs in the sort-of future and designed some props for them.

Have you ever heard of strength shoes? They look kind of ridiculous.

Friday, January 25, 2013

vehicle practice

I designed a food truck and cruise ship for my Environments, Weapons, and Props class! This course is really challenging me to give greater consideration and thought to those areas. Environments and objects should display character too!